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Remedial Pujas For Shani Dosha On Saturday

Shani Dosha, associated with Saturn's influence in Vedic astrology, can bring various challenges and obstacles in one's life. Remedial pujas and rituals performed on Saturdays, the day dedicated to Shani (Saturn), can help mitigate these effects and bring relief. Here’s a detailed description of the remedial pujas for Shani Dosha on Saturday.
దేవతల్లో శని దేవునికి విశిష్టమైన స్థానం ఉంది ఎందుకంటే శని చెడు ప్రభావం మన మీద పడితే వృత్తి వ్యక్తిగత జీవితాల్లో ఎన్నో అనర్ధాలు జరుగుతాయి అందుకే శని దశ, ఏలినాటి శని, అష్టమ శని, అర్ధాష్టమ శని నడుస్తున్నప్పుడు శని దేవుడిని నిర్లక్ష్యం చేయరాదు.
Rudrabhishekam (For 1 Month)

Rudrabhishekam is a powerful and revered Hindu ritual dedicated to Lord Shiva. It involves the ceremonial bathing (Abhishekam) of the Shiva Lingam, a symbolic representation of Lord Shiva, with various sacred substances while chanting mantras and hymns. This ritual is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva, cleanse negative karma, and bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth to the devotee.
Rahu Ketu Puja For KalaSarpa Dosha To Nullify The Malefic Effects (Puja Performed On Tuesday)

KalaSarpa Dosha is a significant astrological condition in Vedic astrology, believed to bring various challenges and obstacles in one's life. It occurs when all the seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) are positioned between Rahu (the north node of the Moon) and Ketu (the south node of the Moon). To mitigate the malefic effects of KalaSarpa Dosha, performing Rahu Ketu Puja is highly recommended. Here’s a detailed description of the Rahu Ketu Puja for nullifying the effects of KalaSarpa Dosha.
Lord Subramanya Swamy Abhishekam For Sarpadosha To Nullify The Malefic Effects (On Tuesday)

Sarpadosha, often referred to as Naga Dosha or Sarpa Dosha, is a significant astrological condition believed to result from the negative influence of serpents in one's astrological chart. This dosha can cause various obstacles and issues related to health, prosperity, and relationships. Performing the Abhishekam (ritualistic bathing) of Lord Subramanya Swamy (also known as Lord Murugan or Kartikeya), who is closely associated with serpents, is a powerful remedy to nullify the malefic effects of Sarpadosha. Here’s a detailed description of the Abhishekam.